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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How To Attract More Interested, Enthusiastic Prospects... More Customers... 100% GUARANTEED!

How To Attract More Interested, Enthusiastic Prospects... More Customers... And More Cash Profits From Every Ad, Sales Letter, Web Page, Or Any Other Marketing Piece You Ever Use -- 100% GUARANTEED!
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What is the #1 most important part of all your marketing on the Internet?

The one thing that is even more important than your sales letter?

It's your headline.

Think about something very carefully for a second. How do people reach you on the Internet? What makes them click over to your web site or read your email message? (a subject line is still a headline)

The answer is the headline. It is the most vital of all. If your headline does not make them click, your site never gets read. If your headline on your site doesn't make them stay they simply click away. Nothing is more important than the headlines you use in your emails, your ads, your banners and your web pages. All of them must be powerful and make people want to know more.

Headlines are so important that not spending the most time on them will make you lose tons of money. More time should be spent on your headlines and titles than the actual writing of your salesletters.

They are that vital to your success in any type of advertising. When you realize that one headline can pull 1700% more than another you begin to realize just how important they are. If you are placing ads right now and they are pulling in 500 hits a week, one simple change in the headline could make the same amount of work pull 5,000 hits a week.

The difference can be massive and will determine the success or failure of your business. It can also determine how many people care to read your article. Titles for articles should be given the same amount of consideration as headlines for sales letters. The more power and impact the title has the more people will read it. Many people give very little thought to the title of their articles. Don't make that mistake.

Make your titles provocative, exciting, promising a huge benefit and they will draw the maximum number of readers. Your articles should be just as exciting as your sales letters. When you consider that the only way for anyone to reach you on the Internet is through a headline, it gives you some idea of their power.A classified ad should be created out of the best headlines you have.

Your banners should contain the most potent headlines you can think of. All links on your site should be thought of in terms of headlines. Links on most sites say things like, "Free E-Book".

They expect you to click on that and download it. It's not going to happen. 'Free ebook' tells you and I absolutely nothing. We'll pass it over without even a second glance. Give all your links life, power and benefits and then watch what happens to the response.

Treat each link like you absolutely had to get every visitor to click on it. What would happen if all the links on your pages suddenly got 20 times more clicks than normal?

If you're already making money, then your income would skyrocket. All from some very simple changes that would take no more than a few minutes.

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("Take The Craziest Internet Marketing Mind Hostage And Force Him to Reveal Every One of His Powerful Cash-Producing Secrets That Anyone Can Use to Pull in Massive Loads of Cash From the Internet Right Now!"

Trading Minds - Mastering The Art of Persuasion!

"Trading Minds - Mastering The Art of Persuasion!"
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Have you ever sat down, closed your eyes and really looked at yourself or your product through another persons eyes?

Have you, in your mind, literally become your customer or your lover and looked hard at yourself or your work through their eyes? Can you do it?

I hope you can. It is one of the most powerful techniques man has ever used.

Ground battles, corporate battles and the hearts of great Women have been won because of it.

When you become your customer, the secrets of how to influence them magically appear.

The same thing happens when you trade minds with your wife or husband. Some of the things you see may shock and change you in ways you could not have imagined. The man or woman who has the power to really look at their work through another persons eyes has an incredible advantage in all business and personal situations.

If you find that this ability comes easy to you then by all means really do it. Sit down and do it very deeply and totally and you will be shocked at what you are able to see that you could not see any other way.

Can you look, and I mean really look, at your sales letter through your prospects eyes? Get good at doing this and you will find 100's of ways to dramatically change both your business and personal life immediately. Many people only ' think ' they see their product through their prospects eyes.

They think that when they are looking at their sales letter or web page that they can do this. But really, they are still looking at their work filtered through their own feelings, attitudes and background. You have to remove ' you ' from the the picture entirely.

This is a deeply serious technique that, for most, require the eyes to be closed to even begin to touch its real power.

And if you think the author has somehow lost his mind, it would do you well to know many, many millionaires and billionaires have confirmed in public and in published writings the incredible power of this strategy and that they have always used it to build their wealth without fail. I would never think of using a sales letter without first looking at it long and hard through the eyes of an average customer.

Never let yourself get too close to your own work. In order to do this right you have to completely move 'I' out of the way. You must get your own feelings, thoughts and attachments about your work out of the way so you can see it clearly and see it the way other people are seeing it.

When you do that, you will know how to write irresistible ad copy, you will know how to create web sites people instantly understand and buy from, you will know how to make yourself 100 times more attractive to your wife or husband.......and much, much more ....test it and see!

P.S. UPDATE: I've just added 6 new books and Special Reports written by the insane Michael Ross. Become A Warrior Member Today - With Us And Get Your Warrior Membership Free!

Move Your Reader To Action Using Command Copy!

"Move Your Reader To Action Using Command Copy!"
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From the 'guru' marketers to multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 companies most of them have one thing in common - All Use Command Copy!

You see it on sales letters and on television: Act Now! - Order Now! - Pick Up The Phone And Call Now! - Do it Now! - Take Action Today!

Command copy creates impulses to act! It has the power to make a reader actually pick up the phone and order when otherwise he would have put it off if the command had not been given. I'm not saying you turned him into a robot that had to obey you and order.

I'm saying that when you gave the command to: 'Go Ahead And Order Now' helped give him the impulse to act. You 'opened' his mind up to the thought of actually going ahead and picking up the phone to call.

Tell your reader exactly what he should do and it will shock you when you discover he actually does it! Is this hard to believe? It has been proven through millions of dollars in testing sales letters and tv commercials both with and without command copy.

The differences in responses are astounding! The owner of a popular real estate package being sold on cable tv reported that when they put the words "Get up and call now - 1-800-xxx-xxxx" across the bottom of the screen and added a part at the end where he again gave the order to 'get up and call now' the commercial immediately began making a profit whereas every time it was ran before it lost money!

Your reader or the TV viewer may be blown away by your product. He may sit hypnotized by the thoughts of all he could do with your product. But unless you tell him to order now and show him a clear and easy way to do it, he may just keep right on sitting there spaced out about your product but never actually making the move to order it.

P.S. UPDATE: I've just added "Magnetic Sales Letters" to the Warrior download site. 281 pages of Proven sales letters you can model to create your own hot copy in just minutes.

There's no better way to learn how to write killer copy than modeling already written and proven letters.

This is the same book being sold on the Internet for $67 right now. Yours free as a Warrior member.
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Perceived Value - The Art of Making Your Product Look Like It's Worth 20 Times What You Are Charging For It

Perceived Value - The Art of Making Your Product Look Like It's Worth 20 Times What You Are Charging For It. Copyright © Internet Warriors. All rights reserved.
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Here's another technique that is perfect for Internet marketing.

Increasing the perceived value is easily done by simply adding bonuses that cost you little or nothing to add and create a 'package deal'! Let's say you are selling a book on getting to the top of search engines.... You could add 2 or 3 web marketing reports you found as bonuses.

You could add some free software you discovered that made your job 100 times easier, you could add this e-book you're reading now and so on. Write down every benefit the reader will get from theses bonuses and make a bulleted list of them!

This can make your $29.95 book seem like it's worth $229.95! Look for things that can go along with your product as bonuses but yet cost you very little to produce. With a little effort you can easily make your current product seem like it's worth 20 times what you are charging for it. It will actually be worth more than you are charging if you put some good bonuses together. And that's great - it cost you nothing extra and will blow your sales through the roof. Everybody wins.

(P.S. UPDATE: I've just added the powerful book "How To Make Maximum Profit In Minimum Time" to the Warrior site. This book is written by marketing guru Peter Sun. 104 pages of genius marketing ideas.

What to expect inside:

* How To Make Up To $10,000 A Week (or more) From Tiny Classified Ads And Two-Step Marketing
* How To Make An Extra $100,000 A Year Publishing Your Own Newsletter
* How To Steal Customers From Your Competitors
* How To Get $25,000 In Free Advertising For Your Business Each Year..And Much More...

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Irresistibly Magnetic Words That Draw The Readers Attention To Your Ad

Irresistibly Magnetic Words That Draw The Readers Attention To Your Ad
Copyright © Internet Warriors. All rights reserved.
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Certain words, when combined together, literally draw the readers eyes to your ad...the words below are those I have found to work every time.

"You - Ultimate - Free - Master - Power - Discovery - Easy - Guaranteed - Love - Money - New - Scientific - Proven - Results - Incredible - Discover - Breakthrough - Secret - Private - Cash - Shocked - Shocking - Revealed - Uncovered - Hidden - Profit's - Inside - Sex..."
Sex?Yes Sex...used only in certain situations where it can apply though.
For example, when I wrote the headline "Sex Sites Are Not The Only Ones That Can Pull In $5000 A Week Using The Power of Instant Access!" immediately added about $50,000 to my income last year.

Just that one headline! I thought it was a unique angle because all you heard on the news for months was how people where making big money with porno sites. You never heard about those of us who where making great money without selling sex.

Some example headlines using those words above:

"Revealed! - Scientifically Proven Strategies Guaranteed To Double Your Profit's Every Month or You Keep The System For Free! "Master The Art of Building Web Pages In 30 Minutes With This Proven, Easy to Use Software!" "Breakthrough Money-Making Secrets That Sex Sites Do Not Want You To Find Out About - Uncovered And Revealed Inside!"

Power words, like those above, are already implanted deeply in the minds of all your readers simply because of what the words mean. For example, when I see the word " Discovery ", it evokes a response from within me and draws my attention to the rest of the sentence because Discovery 'means' something to me and most other people.

The Discovery might give me a great advantage before you and others find out if I read about it first. People love to discover things and the word attracts them instantly when they see it.

Just like the words 'Scientific Breakthrough' will immediately draw the attention of most everyone. I can not pass up a headline that has those two words in it. If I see those two words I will always read the rest of your headline. And if the rest of your headline is something I am interested in, then you are well on your way to a new customer.

If the Scientific Breakthrough had to do with a new kind of Hair Growth Formula then I would move on with no interest. at least got me to read the 'full' headline...and you got a lot of other people to read it too! If the Scientific Breakthrough had to do with making money you would have had me hooked into reading more and possibly all of your letter.

You got the attention of the maximum number of people with the first two words, then, with the rest of the headline, you weeded out those with no interest and hooked your target prospects. We love things to be revealed , we love secrets, hidden things, proven things and shocking things...we always have and always will.

(P.S. UPDATE: I've just added the awesome ebook "Classified Magic" to the Warrior site. This is an incredibly detailed book that will allow you to extract the maximum profit possible from classified ads. Become A Warrior Member Today - With Us And Get Your Warrior Membership Free!

A Simple 4 Step System People Are Using To Generate Easy, Automatic Profits On The Internet!

A Simple 4 Step System People Are Using To Generate Easy, Automatic Profits On The Internet!
Copyright © Internet Warriors. All rights reserved.
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Are you ready to use a simple, proven system that is making an incredible amount of money right now for hundreds of different products?

If so, I'm going to reveal a horribly simple way certain "Masters" of the game are making fortunes all around you right now. It doesn't take a genius or a $100,000 investment. In some cases the entire thing can be put together for $0 cost. This article assumes you will be selling either information, software, streaming audio, video seminars, cgi/perl scripts..etc.

Products that can be downloaded immediately after the order is placed. Instant Access - we all love it. Let's get to it. The first and most vital rule of all is this... Your site MUST be a Direct Response Site.

Here's where some shine and the rest just don't get it. For a web site to make the most money it must be a Direct Response Web Site. It must focus on selling one product and get an immediate response in the form of an order or lead.(Preferably order)

Most sites exist as nothing more than portals leading their traffic off in all directions away from their own site.

A home page full of links is just that - a home page full of links. It's not a profit machine and never can be.

A web site created out of a hot sales letter and an image of your product will make you much more money than a web site full of links ever will.

To me, advertising on the Internet is no different than advertising in an income opportunity magazine. The only difference to me was the fact that now I could not only sell the prospect, I could also take the credit card order and deliver the product at the same time. That was an exciting thought to me and it's no less exciting today. In many way it is even more exciting now.

Today we have services we could only hope for just a few years ago. On today's Internet you have services that do it all. A true plug and play opportunity to sell anything you can come up with. You don't have to have a merchant account. You don't have to know about password protected directories.

You don't have to install any affiliate script yourself. And the list goes on. If you choose, all this can be done very easily for you. All you have to do is acquire your own products to sell. Once you have them you are going to create a direct response, self advertising cash machine to sell them. A simple system that works even when you don't.

Here's an example... Bill is out clicking around on the net and comes upon a site created by an obvious programming genius. The owner of the site is a 22 year old who simply loves to create different software programs. He's not really interested in trying to sell what he creates. Bill sees an opportunity. He contacts the young man and convinces him to create a custom software program that will create incredibly professional web sites automatically by simply answering the questions the software asks.

Perfect for newbies worldwide! Bill immediately begins creating his direct response web site to sell the product. A Buy, Bookmark or Leave site. He chooses a combination of... and accept credit card orders, give instant access to his product, accept affiliates to sell his product and have affiliate checks sent out all automatically.

Once the software is done, Bill uploads it and he's ready to sell. Bill then contacts e-zine owners in an attempt to make a deal. He offers the e-zine owners a large percentage of the profit if they will make an announcement about the offer. Bill contacts a total of 138 e-zine owners. 23 bite on the offer. Bill's in the money.

Over the next 3 weeks Bill sells 400 copies of his software and acquires 227 affiliates who will promote his product for him. After the e-zine runs cooled down Bill averages $2,400 a month in sales and growing. As more people visit Bill's site he signs up more and more affiliates to sell for him..all automatically. Now this may seem like small numbers to you but realize that Bill has a whole world of products available to him.

He also has 23 e-zine owners that already know him and will more than likely deal with him again. Bill can duplicate this system 100 times if he wants to with 100 different products. More than this, Bill can go to the Bahamas any time he chooses without having to worry about much at all. His money machines are on autopilot.

Everything is done for him. This is not fantasy talk. It's happening right now. One of my own clients uses the service to sell over $11,000 a month worth of one of his offers.

ClickBank accepts the credit card orders, allows him to accept affiliates AND pays his affiliates. I'm talking about a simple system with huge potential. Anyone from any place in the world can do this. The product and the web site are all you need to concentrate on. The rest can be done for you. You are only limited by the limits of your own imagination.

Here are the simple steps:

1. Get A Product.

2. Create A Direct Response Web Site To Sell It.

3. Plug In A Card Processing And Affiliate Tracking Service.

4. Do An E-Zine Blast. (Paid Ads or Commission Based Deals)

And wherever you may get stuck in the process, members are standing by to help you through it in our forum. There is not a single question you can ask about this process that can't be answered.

Here's another awesome bonus I do only for Warrior members. Once you have your product created contact me and I will include a link to it in one of my newsletters.

I have over 90,000 readers as I write this so if you have a hot product this should give you a great start. The only requirement is that it must be a new product created by you or someone you made a deal with.

A Millionaire's Secret

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Washington DC was nasty as could be. As I sat on the bench waiting for my bus to arrive I couldn't wait to get back to the backwoods of Louisiana.

I had almost sat in a pool of blood that was on the far end of the bench and I was ready to go. I truly hope people coming to visit our country don't make DC one of their stops. Anyway, before my bus arrived I was approached by a nicely dressed elderly gentleman in need of directions. I told him I had no idea what he was looking for as I too was just passing through.

To this day I'm not sure why, but we started talking as if we had known each other for years. We talked about life, people and eventually the conversation turned to business. It was here that the gentlemen saw something in me, I suppose, that made him feel like sharing what he said was the greatest secret ever told.

He said everyone had heard it but almost no one paid any attention to it, even though it was the one thing that could bestow a fortune upon any man or woman who used it. My ears where definitely starting to perk up. Something about his tone told me this man knew from whereof he spoke. And I wanted to know what the secret was with a passion.

He must have sensed my anxiousness because at that very moment he gave me a warning that was almost a scolding.

I'll try to recount here as best I can the rest of our conversation...

Man: "Do not make the mistake of shrugging off what I am about to tell you because you have heard it before. No doubt you have heard it already from at least one person in your life. You may have even heard it many times. Do you have any aversion to religion Mr. Says?"

Me: "No I don't. I don't believe many preachers know what they are talking about or even what they are trying to teach, but I do know the Bible has a lot of great knowledge in it."

Man: "Good. I would not want you to discount what I am about to tell you because it does come directly from the Bible. But its applications reach far beyond what most people can conceive of. It will take thought, intense pondering on your part, to begin to get some inkling of its power." "This simple secret, when applied to business, will draw money to you as easily as water runs down a mountain. Even a fool can apply it and prosper. When applied to relationships, it will create more friends than you can handle" (laughing heartily)

Me: "What is it, I'm dying to know now?"

Man: "Patience Mr. Says, Patience. I will not give it to you as it has always been repeated by fools who have no respect or knowledge of what it even means. No. I will give it to you another way." "What type of business are you interested in?"

Me: "Well, I'm dabbling in Mail Order right now. I would like to place ads and sell books."

Man: "Fine. Fine. Mail Order it is. Let me tell you how to create a fortune in this Mail Order. All you have to do is create the product you want to buy"

Me: "I don't understand"

Man: "You will" "You see, you are your market. Whatever you want, there are millions of other people wanting the same thing. That elusive product you are looking for is the product millions of others are also looking for right now." "All you have to do is create the product you want to buy, the product you yourself have been looking for. Once you have this product, what would you want the sales message to say so that you know this is the product you have been looking for?" "If someone else where selling this product, what would you want the ad to say, what would get you to buy this product?. When you have that answer, that is the ad you want to create."

Me: "I see" (hesitantly)

Man: "See the business across the street here? Pizza. I could triple the business that place does inside of 10 minutes. That's what I do by the way" (smiling) "All I would do is walk into the business as a customer. I would sit there and imagine all the things that could be done to me that would make me a loyal customer to that business for life. What could they do for me that would make me feel this way?" "Once I had the answers to that question, I would implement them across the board. Every customer would be treated the way I had imagined. And without any doubt what so ever that business would triple the profits it now makes."

Me: "I think I know..."

Man: "Wait, you don't really know anything yet. That's the problem with people. They brush something off because of where it came from or because they heard it many times. Leave that for fools. You won't "know it" until you have deeply pondered it and put it to use."

Me: "Ok"

Man: "What I am telling you has power undreamed of. The simple words used to describe it cannot contain it. Does not do justice to it, and has been prostituted by blabber mouths who let wisdom fall off their lips with not even a single brain cell grasping what they are rambling about." "What I am telling you is Law, not man's Law, but the very Law's of nature herself. It's the way things work and those who truly understand it rise to the top in every field known to man."

"What people don't understand is that it applies to everything. This secret can be applied with virtually every step you take, everything you do, every word you speak and everyone concerned profits by it." "If you are a writer, write like you would like to be written to" "If you are a salesman, sell like you would like to be sold to" "If you are a speaker, speak like you would like to be spoken to" "If you want more love, then love like you would like to be loved"

"If you want more friends, be the friend you would like to see" "When you infuse everything you do with this secret it takes on a magical power. Businesses dominate the market, books become best sellers, leaders attract huge and loyal followings." "How would you like it?" "How would you respond to it?" "How would it make you feel?" "Those are great questions to think about every time you do or create something.

You will get into the hearts and minds of everyone who comes under your influence if you will first think how you would have it done to you." "I'm certain you already know the quote from the Bible I'm referring to. But don't repeat it, just ponder it and pratice it."

Me: "I do. But I've never thought of how it could actually apply to everything in life. I too was one of those fools who passed it over without so much as a second thought. I really want to thank you for sharing this with me."

Man: "It's been a real pleasure talking with you Mr. Says, have a safe journey home."

And with that, he was gone.


The funny thing was, as I was riding home on the bus I realized I never got his name, nor do I remember ever giving him mine. Maybe he saw my luggage tag. I'm not sure. It really doesn't matter. What does matter is that I've profited from that advice for the last 15 years.

I'm not even really any good at it either and I've still pulled in huge amounts of money. Especially from the Internet. This is one place this knowledge can really shine. People have always asked me my secret.

How come the Warriors is still here, with the same products, with all this competition, after all these years?

This one simple secret is the answer.

I always ask myself how would I like to be treated by this company? What would I like to see? What would I like to get? How would I like to be dealt with? Those simple questions are all you have to answer.

When you do get the answers, put them into action and watch what happens.

Create The Site You've Been Looking For
Write Like You Would Like To Be Written To
Sell Like You Would Like To Be Sold To
Talk Like You Would Like To Be Talked To
Deal Like You Would Like To Be Dealt With
Create For Others What You Would Like Created For You
Excite Others The Way You Would Like To Be Excited